Tell Them Their Life Sucks - One Easy Marketing Tip

Tell Them Their Life Sucks – One Easy Marketing Tip

Tell Them Their Life Sucks – One Easy Marketing Tip

How comfortable are you right now?

Yeah, I mean right now, wherever you are.

Are you sitting or standing at your desk…waiting in line at a store, sitting on the porcelain throne? (that's not for me to judge).


Let me know what your comfort level is?

The reason I ask is that I was thinking about this the other day…

I was thinking about how, when we're a bit uncomfortable, we adjust ourselves slightly to remove the discomfort.

This could be while you're sitting on the couch watching Netflix, trying to get comfy in bed, or trying to squeeze into those jeans you used to wear before Cooovid.


The point is one of the most powerful ways to open a marketing piece is to remind your prospects of the uncomfortable situations they're in right now.

You can build on their anxiety of this uncomfortableness (is that a word), and make them really feel it with powerful, emotional digging words.

I'm not saying to be rude about it, but don't be afraid to remind your reader how “uncomfortable” their current situation is and what their frustrations are with their current situation.

But hang on…

Before you jump in feet first…I want you to make sure you know your prospects inside and out.

  • I'm assuming you've done some deep research, and gone past the first page of Google
  • I'm guessing you've watched enough videos on YouTube and social media on their current frustrations and wants
  • I'm assuming you've painted or tinted your car windows dark black and you're parked just around the corner from their house
Ok, maybe back off the last one a little bit.

But you get how deep you need to go to understand your target audience.

And when you do…

You'll realize the discomfort that your prospect is in.

And if you can focus their attention on that, find out what their objections are and then present your solution…

You can get them to take action.

So what next?

Here's where it gets exciting.

I meant, here's where you need to get excited about your prospect and the fact they're going to be able to resolve their situation with your product.

Want to know how?

Don't be boring.

I know it sounds obvious but here's where you need to be dead honest with yourself.

If you know you're genuinely not an exciting person (and don't write like one), you need to get someone who is to crank up the energy level.

No one wants to read, watch or listen to something that sounds like it was produced by a cardboard box salesman.

(just use your imagination there…)

That means you need to be excited and passionate about what you're selling, or you're doomed to fail.

You can even be a bit controversial…(within bounds).

Don't be afraid to take a stand for what you believe…

And that's the product you're selling is of great value, and can genuinely help improve the situation of your prospect.

It's crazy to think that passion is something that is missing in so many people's lives.

And because of this, most businesses and marketers lack passion in their ads.

And it's important to understand that I'm not saying you have to dress up in a clown suit and jump up and down on a (virtual) sidewalk.

But I think it's best when your ads, emails, message, ebooks, etc. overflow with energy.


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Tell Them Their Life Sucks - One Easy Marketing Tip