Do this every day to build a 6-7 fig online business
There is no such thing as tomorrow.
There is only today
And it's the tasks that you do today that will dictate your entire life.
Sorry for getting all philosophical on you, I'm just excited to share this with you.
I'm CERTAIN this is the most surefire way to build a 7 figure online business. (and the fastest DAMMIT)
There's a book I've read called The Slight Edge.
It's very popular and if you haven't picked it up I'd HIGHLY recommend you do.
It's built on the premise of marginal gains.
Getting 1% better every day.
The teeny tiny things you do that have massive consequences over the span of months and years.
That means the things you do today are so important.
And I'm going to guess you want some kind of eBook empire?
(Great choice btw)
Here's what you got to do every day to guarantee you get into the 2 comma club.
2 hours of focused work.
That's it.
“B-B-ut I can do 8 hours a day!”
You missed the keyword: FOCUSED. Where you weren't looking at cat videos or ass on Instagram every 10 minutes.
No podcast in the background.
PURE-focused work allows you to do in 1 hour what would take others the whole day!
But there's a catch…
See you can't just do any old tasks.
You have to do the things that move the needle towards that 7-figure mark the fastest.
Here's the order of the most important tasks that will nab you the best ROI or your time:
- Putting your offer in front of people.
- Creating/ Improving your offer.
- Learning about creating your offer.
Obviously, you got to do 2 and 3 before you can do 1. But 1 is what makes people rich RIDICULOUSLY quick.
Think about it.
If you spent 2 hours a day on 1,2 or 3.
Which one would get you the most sales?
Which one would get you ANY sales?
Getting your offer seen by potential customers is the ONLY way to make more sales.
Do this constantly and there's no way you won't be successful.
That's all I've got for you today.
But see how getting to the promotion stage is VITAL for seeing those beautiful order notifications. That's why we've got something new.
Allowing you to create incredible offers faster so you can start making sales as soon as tomorrow.
Let's be honest, we both know you're already going to make it big in this game.
But let's get you there FASTER.
For Anyone Who Wants To Start A Profitable Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin>>
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