Discover The 3 Tips For Selling An E-Book And Most Important Things To Include On Your Sales Page
I'd like to share a massive mistake I made when I started selling my first e-book.
I was 16 when I made my first e-book – “The Self-Improvement Bible”.
It was far from a bible, more like a pamphlet.
But my problem was this, look at my product page:
It's a hot steaming pile of GARBAGE
No wonder nobody bought it.
And why would they? I'm giving them no reason to.
I'm saying it exists and you buy it if you want.
It's just a picture, a very short description and an add to cart button.
What I really needed was a sales page.
These can be a real headache to make, but when they're up and running they'll fill your pockets with cash FOREVER.
Here's a breakdown of the 3 most important things to include on your sales page.
1) A Headline
Your customer might not read the whole page, but they will definitely read the headline.
This is why it's crucial to get right.
Your headline should speak directly to your target customer and entice them to keep reading.
Don't bother with broad, clickbait headlines (e.g Find the secret to life). These will get people who aren't your target customer to keep reading which is NOT what we want.
We want laser focus on the kind of person who will BUY.
You're in the business of selling ebooks, not entertainment.
2) Social proof
This is crucial.
See humans are social creatures. We like to see what the rest of the tribe thinks about something before we invest time/ money into it.
This is why it's CRUCIAL to litter your sales page with reviews, testimonials, and results.
An easy way to do this? Email your customers who have left a review before and offer them a massive discount or even offer to pay them for a video review.
This will cost you pennies for the 10x increase in conversion rate.
There's no limit to the amount you can use as well. The more results other customers have gotten, the more new customer believe it can work for them.
3) An irresistible offer.
The best way I've found of doing this is with bonuses.
This is the “But wait there's more!” line in the infomercial.
When they keep adding and adding stuff to the offer that it feels like a no-brainer. You're getting so much value for such a small price.
Here are some bonuses you can offer:
- Extra video training
- Cheatsheets
- Checklist
- Complimentary e-book (i.e a diet guide bonus for a fitness program)
- 1-on-1 access
- Private Facebook group access
- Accountability system
- Physical products
The more bonuses you can offer, the better. (Find some free bonuses here)
So there you have it. All the ingredients for a KILLER sales page to start raking in those e-book sales.
By Founder Of Sqribble
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