How To Make Kindle Your Cash Cow..
We all know why Kindle rocks…1. It's freakin' huge — millions ofbuyers go there every day to buybooks.2. It's easier than normal businessmodels — you don't need a website,and Kindle attracts buyers for you,so you can focus on creating bookspeople want to buy.3. There's no risk or upfront costs— you only pay a fee when somebodybuys your book. Sweet.Problem is, how do you create thekind of ebooks people want to buy?What if you're not an expert?What if you're not a great writer,or can't design books to save yourlife?Or what if you just don't have thetime or energy to even think aboutcreating and selling books onKindle?Here's the solution!Now you could spend $120, $300 oreven $750 to hire a bunch offreelancers to do all this for you…… or you could just give up, walkaway, and let other people have allthe fun.In the past, I used to shy awayfrom Kindle, for all the samereasons.But not anymore.Because now there's a way to get inon the Kindle action, with aawesome new tool that's going tolevel the playing field, allowinganyone to create awesome eBooks forKindle, in just seconds from now!It's called Sqribble and you gottasee it to believe it…This is how anyone — and I meananyone off the street — can justsit down, press a few buttons, andwham… out pops a beautiful bookready for Kindle, packed withuseful content, designed to grabeyeballs and sell like crazy.With this tool in your hands,
you can:– Dominate niches, even if youdon't know anything about thesubject (it fills your book withcontent FOR YOU.)– Crush the competition by outpublishing them (the more books youcreate, the more visibility andchances of making a sale you have.This tool allows you to createdozens of books per HOUR!)– Save bags of cash hiringfreelancers (just click or tap yourway to Kindle ebooks that peopleactually want to buy.)– Save time and money on designtools (again, this thing takes careof everything, inside and out, soyou don't have to worry about it.)I've seen eBook creators come andgo in the past, but honestly,NOTHING comes close to the power ofthis thing!If you're curious about the kind ofmoney you're missing out on withKindle, or if you're alreadystruggling to make a living withyour Kindle books, then this toolis going to be the cash catalystyou need to really start raking inthe dollar bills.check it out here>
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