Discover 100 Simple Techniques How To Get More Subscribers And How To Increase Your Opt-in Rate and Engage Subscribers
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Here's something to think about…
A product can be created in as little as a few days… however, building and cultivating a list that eagerly wants to hear from you can take years.
So it stands to reason that more of your time and energy should be focused on building a responsive list… Right?
But then why do so many people struggle? How does one marketer add 100s of subscribers to their account every week whilst another marketer is getting single-figure signups?
The answer is in the method. In this special report, we'll cover 100 methods to help you build your list, prepare your subscribers for what's up ahead and get them eager to hear from you.
100 Simple Techniques How To Get More Subscribers:
(Scroll down to read explanations of the techniques!)*
1. The “Specific Date” Technique
2. The “So Many Minutes” Technique
3. The “Here's Your Lesson” Technique
4. The “E-Report” Technique
5. The “Tease Me” Technique
6. The “Great Deal” Technique
7. The “JV Discount” Technique
8. The “Worth It?” Technique
9. The “Virus” Technique
10. The “Swipe Them” Technique
11. The “Republish It” Technique
12. The “Future Goals” Technique
13. The “Future Problems” Technique
14. The “Prize Fest” Technique
15. The “Las Vegas” Technique
16. The “Fast Forward” Technique
17. The “See It Everywhere” Technique
18. The “Multiple Choice” Technique
19. The “My Credentials” Technique
20. The “Confidentiality Agreement” Technique
21. The “100% Pure” Technique
22. The “Look Who's Here” Technique
23. The “Believe Them” Technique
24. The “Collect Them All” Technique
25. The “Next Time” Technique
26. The “Ad Less” Technique
27. The “Give Me Them” Technique
28. The “Swap Me” Technique
29. The “Got Friends?” Technique
30. The “It's Worth” Technique
31. The “Targeted Flirt” Technique
32. The “Give It Away” Technique
33. The “Try A Piece” Technique
34. The “See The Past” Technique
35. The “Waiting List” Technique
36. The “Unsubscribe” Technique
37. The “E-mail Me” Technique
38. The “Keep It Free” Technique
39. The “I'll Pay You” Technique
40. The “Easy Form” Technique
41. The “Budget It” Technique
42. The “Subscribers-Only” Technique
43. The “Barter Everything” Technique
44. The “I'll Be There” Technique
45. The “My Advice” Technique
46. The “Snooze You Lose” Technique
47. The “Famous Guest” Technique
48. The “Skim It” Technique
49. The “Full Of Help” Technique
50. The “Total Them Up” Technique
51. The “A Long Time” Technique
52. The “Personal Touch” Technique
53. The “Gift Subscription” Technique
54. The “Work Involved” Technique
55. The “Goes Both Ways” Technique
56. The “What You Missed” Technique
57. The “Only Mine” Technique
58. The “Stay Current” Technique
59. The “Why Subscribe?” Technique
60. The “How Often?” Technique
61. The “Cold Hard Facts” Technique
62. The “Battle Tested” Technique
63. The “Autograph” Technique
64. The “Ratio Of Visitors” Technique
65. The “Plenty Of Ways” Technique
66. The “How To” Technique
67. The “Top Ten” Technique
68. The “Tip Me” Technique
69. The “Recent News” Technique
70. The “Interview” Technique
71. The “Product Review” Technique
72. The “Web Site Review” Technique
73. The “Personal Profile” Technique
74. The “Word Game” Technique
75. The “Samples Of Products” Technique
76. The “Checklist” Technique
77. The “Calendar Of Events” Technique
78. The “Q And A” Technique
79. The “First Shot” Technique
80. The “Community Gossip” Technique
81. The “Transcripts” Technique
82. The “Questionnaire” Technique
83. The “Free Advertising” Technique
84. The “People Care” Technique
85. The “Common Sense” Technique
86. The “Private Access” Technique
87. The “Product For Ad” Technique
88. The “Viral Article” Technique
89. The “Opt-In Auction” Technique
90. The “Listen To Me” Technique
91. The “Watch Me” Technique
92. The “Keyword Clicking” Technique
93. The “Free Directory” Technique
94. The “Customer Reminder” Technique
95. The “Discount An E-mail” Technique
96. The “Offline Myth” Technique
97. The “Free Compliment” Technique
98. The “Back You Up” Technique
99. The “I'll Share” Technique
100. The “Publish And Grow” Technique
1. The “Specific Date” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free bonus for subscribing
before a specific date. Tell them the bonus won't be available after that
date. You could also say they need to subscribe before midnight or at the end
of the day.
2. The “So Many Minutes” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free bonus for subscribing in
so many minutes. You could have a timer running down the time on your
opt-in form. If they like your bonus, they will subscribe before the
time runs out.
3. The “Here's Your Lesson” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free e-course for subscribing.
You could just publish each lesson on a daily autoresponder series. People
like to take courses one lesson at a time. You could even include an ad
with each lesson.
4. The “E-Report” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free e-report for subscribing.
You could write up a 5 to 12-page e-report that your subscribers would
be interested in. You could have it ready to download in PDF format
on your “Thank you for subscribing” page.
5. The “Tease Me” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free sample chapter of an ebook you are selling if they subscribe.
People like to get a sneak preview of products before they buy them. Even if they don't buy your e-book, you'll
be able to sell them something else in the future.
6. The “Great Deal” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a coupon or discount on one of
your products for subscribing. People love getting a good deal and all they
would have to do is opt-in to your list or e-zine.
7. The “JV Discount” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a coupon or discount for
someone else’s product if they subscribe. You could set up a joint venture
deal with another information product seller. They would get sales and you
would build your list quicker.
8. The “Worth It?” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how much the free bonus for subscribing is
worth. People will feel like they are getting a great bargain for opting in.
You could list the retail price or what other people are selling it for.
9. The “Virus” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free e-book for subscribing.
You could also include your e-zine ad in the e-book and allow them to give
the e-book away or offer to resell or master resell rights. It will become a viral
marketing tool for your list.
10. The “Swipe Them” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that they will get the private label rights to
the articles or content of your list if they subscribe. People will be able to
read and use your list content as they wish. There is a huge demand for
private-label content these days.
11. The “Republish It” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that they can reprint or republish the
articles or content of your list if they subscribe. People will be able to read
and use your list content with your resource box included. You could
include your e-zine ad under each article they republish.
12. The “Future Goals” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the goals they will accomplish by
subscribing to your e-zine. You could tell them how your information or
content will help solve their problems, improve their life, or get over their
13. The “Future Problems” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the goals they won't accomplish if they
don't subscribe to your e-zine. You could tell them how not reading your
information or content could cause future problems or make their life
14. The “Prize Fest” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers what prizes they could win by subscribing to
your e-zine. You could tell them that you will randomly select a subscriber
every week to get one of your products for free. Also, you could have them
complete a certain action to be in the contest.
15. The “Las Vegas” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how much money they could win by
subscribing to your e-zine. You could tell them that you will randomly
select a subscriber every week to get a cash prize. You could have many
cash prizes, like $100 for 1st place, $50 for 2nd place, and $25 for 3rd place.
16. The “Fast Forward” Technique
Tell your current e-zine subscribers to forward your e-zine to their friends,
family, or associates. If they like it, they'll end up subscribing too and
forwarding it to their circle of acquaintances. It's a viral form of word-of-mouth marketing.
17. The “See It Everywhere” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers to subscribe to any page of your website.
You want to put your opt-in form or pop it up on every page of your website.
The more times people see it, the higher the percentage of people will be
who will subscribe.
18. The “Multiple Choice” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they can choose between text, PDF, or HTML
format. People who like text may not want to subscribe to an e-zine that
just offers HTML. You can lose an awful lot of subscribers by not offering two
or more options.
19. The “My Credentials” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers your business credentials. People don't want
to opt-in to a list that doesn’t have the experience or authority to
give them the information they need and want. They just don't want an ad
with every email.
20. The “Confidentiality Agreement” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you will keep their subscription information
confidential. People don't want you to share, rent, lease, or sell their contact
information. They want you to protect their privacy at all costs.
21. The “100% Pure” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers your content is 100% original. People
subscribe to a lot of lists that just publish articles that are found all over the
Internet. If you can't always offer 100% original content, at least publish
some once in a while to keep your subscribers loyal.
22. The “Look Who's Here” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers about the famous, expert, or reputable
people who have subscribed to your e-zine. Most people are followers
rather than leaders. They want to model themselves after people they
respect, admire, and look up to. People will think your list must be good if
so-and-so subscribed to it.
23. The “Believe Them” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers about the testimonials or endorsements
that you've received from other subscribers. They will see all the benefits
those people received from being on your list. People will believe other
subscribers’ advice before they believe you.
24. The “Collect Them All” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you offer a free bonus product in every issue.
People will subscribe just to start collecting those bonuses. Plus, it will
keep people subscribed because they will want to see what the next
bonus will be.
25. The “Next Time” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers what type of content will be in your next
issue. They will think that if they subscribe right away, they will be able to
read the content in their next issue. It gives them an incentive to subscribe
on impulse.
26. The “Ad Less” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers your list has very few advertisements.
People sometimes don't subscribe to free lists or e-zines because they
think all they get is a bunch of ads. You could even offer an ad-free or an all-content/article (with a resource box) version of your list.
27. The “Give Me Them” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that you accept article submissions. You’ll
get people who will subscribe just so they can submit articles and see
them published. You will also get a steady stream of content you can pick
and choose from.
28. The “Swap Me” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers and other e-zine publishers that you accept
e-zine ad trades. People will subscribe just to submit ad trades with you
and see if you run their ads. Doing list ad trades can increase your
circulation fast.
29. The “Got Friends?” Technique
Tell your current e-zine subscribers they can get a free bonus for
persuading 3 of their friends, family members, or associates to subscribe or
by forwarding your e-zine to them. You could set up a “tell a friend form”
on one of your web pages.
30. The “It's Worth” Technique
Tell your potential e-zine subscribers how much a subscription to your e-zine is worth.
You could tell them you used to sell subscriptions to
it (if it's true). If not, you could say that similar e-zines are charging so many
dollars per year for a subscription.
31. The “Targeted Flirt” Technique
Tell or compliment your potential subscribers. People like to be
complimented and will usually return the favor. It might just tempt them
to opt into your list. The compliment needs to be something that would
be related to your target audience.
32. The “Give It Away” Technique
Tell your potential or current subscribers they can give away your e-zine as
a bonus product. Many people need bonuses for their products or services.
It will give their prospects an incentive to buy their stuff and build your list
at the same time.
33. The “Try A Piece” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they can read samples of your past issues or
list before they are opt-in. If people like your content, they will definitely
subscribe. It would be a good idea to use some of your best content.
34. The “See The Past” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that they will get access to all your past
issues or messages if they opt into your list. You can tell them the benefits
of those issues too. You can have them all archived on your website by
date or subject in a password-protected area.
35. The “Waiting List” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that you are only allowing a limited number
of subscribers. It will create more persuasion for them to opt in right away.
You could tell them once you hit so many subscribers, they will have to get
on a waiting list. [grwebform url=”″ css=”on” center=”off” center_margin=”200″/]
36. The “Unsubscribe” Technique
Tell you, potential subscribers, there is no risk as they can unsubscribe at
any time, no questions asked. It will remind them even if they subscribe
that they can unsubscribe at any time if they don't like your list.
37. The “E-mail Me” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that you would like to hear from them about
how you can improve your e-mailing. You could tell them you regularly
survey your existing subscribers for their opinions and what they would
like to see from your list.
38. The “Keep It Free” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you may be charging for your e-zine in the
future but if they subscribe now, their subscription will always be free.
People will want to subscribe quickly so they can lock in their free
39. The “I'll Pay You” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you will pay them to subscribe. You could
have a “subscribers only” affiliate program for one of your products. They
will feel privileged and know they will have less competition to make
40. The “Easy Form” Technique
Tell you, potential subscribers, how easy it is to subscribe. Remind them
they only need to type their first name and e-mail address or say all they
have to do is send an e-mail to a certain subscription e-mail address.
41. The “Budget It” Technique
Tell potential subscribers about your e-zine in free advertising locations. It
could be free classified websites, forums, blogs, chat room profiles, e-mail
discussion lists, list-building sites, giveaway sites, etc. In most of the locations,
you can just add a signature ad to your post.
42. The “Subscribers-Only” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get access to a free subscriber-only
community. It could be a forum, message board, chat room, blog, etc. Your
subscribers will feel special and privileged to only have access to it. They
will like to communicate with other people who are interested in the same
43. The “Barter Everything” Technique
Tell other e-zines/list publishers or website owners you'll trade ads with
them. It could be classified ads, text links, top sponsor ads, solo ads, banner
ads, autoresponder ads, thank you ads, pop-up ads, etc.
44. The “I'll Be There” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you offer 24/7 e-mail support. People want
to know you'll always be there for them. Many problems can arise, like
people not getting your e-mails, not being able to unsubscribe, questions
about your offers, etc.
45. The “My Advice” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you'll offer free consulting via e-mail if they are
opt-in. This is similar to customer support but their questions will be more
about the topic of your list. You may want to train and hire someone to
answer all the questions or set up an e-mail ticket system.
46. The “Snooze You Lose” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you will be offering a specific free bonus to
the next 1000 subscribers. If they want the bonus, they will subscribe. You
are also persuading them to subscribe right away with your limited-time
47. The “Famous Guest” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the names of the guest authors who
contribute articles or content to your list. You could even list some of their
professional accomplishments and credentials. People may subscribe just
to learn more about them and their knowledge.
48. The “Skim It” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers your e-zine or list is easy to skim through
and read. You could tell them you have a table of contents, clickable links,
that you’ve divided each section up, it's not full of techno-jargon, etc.
49. The “Full Of Help” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that each issue is full of helpful website
links and resources. People want to learn about new websites, resources,
products, information, tools, and advice that will help them accomplish
their goals.
50. The “Total Them Up” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how many subscribers you already have.
People will see how many subscribers you already have and if you have a
lot, they will know your list is good. They will feel they are missing out if
they don't opt-in.
51. The “A Long Time” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how many years you have been publishing
your e-zine. If you've been publishing it for a long time, people will assume
your opt-in list has high-quality information and will be valuable to them.
52. The “Personal Touch” Technique
Show your potential subscribers a picture of yourself on your subscription
page and tell them a little about yourself. Pictures will give your list a
personal touch that could persuade them to opt in. You could tell them
about all your personal and business accomplishments.
53. The “Gift Subscription” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they can sign up someone else with a gift
subscription when they subscribe. People will like it that you care about
other people in their lives. Many people like to give things to people they
know and love.
54. The “Work Involved” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how long it takes you to write or compile
each issue. People will see just how much work is involved in publishing
your list or e-zine. It will give your list a highly perceived value.
55. The “Goes Both Ways” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how many pages are in each issue. This can
persuade people that a lot of information is more valuable or that a small
amount of information will save them time. It can go both ways.
56. The “What You Missed” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the latest issue can be accessed within
minutes of subscribing. People like to be rewarded instantly for filling out
an opt-in form. They will want to see what they missed when they weren’t
57. The “Only Mine” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will learn information that's not found
anywhere else inside your e-zine. People will realize that they will miss out
on valuable information if they don't opt into your list.
58. The “Stay Current” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that your e-zine has the newest, most up-to-date information.
People want information that isn’t outdated.
They want to stay current on the latest news, trends, strategies, tips, products, etc.
59. The “Why Subscribe?” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the benefits of subscribing to your list.
Depending on your topic, it could be making money, losing weight,
increasing sales, relieving pain, stopping the addiction, improving relationships,
increasing mind power, etc.
60. The “How Often?” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they can choose how often they want to
receive your e-zine or list. You could have an everyday version, a week
version, twice a week version, and a once-a-month version. You could
combine all or most of the little versions into a bigger version.
61. The “Cold Hard Facts” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers each issue contains cold hard facts and is
100% accurate. People don't want information that is wrong or based solely
on opinion. They don’t want to take advice that could turn out to make
their lives harder.
62. The “Battle Tested” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that the information in your e-zine content
is proven and tested. People like information that has already been used. If
it's a fact that your information works, then it should work for them too
and they will opt-in.
63. The “Autograph” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get one autographed e-zine issue
by mail when they subscribe. If you’re a famous marketer, it may tempt
them to subscribe. You could even offer them a print subscription for a fee.
64. The “Ratio Of Visitors” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the ratio of people that opt-in to your list.
For example, 1 out of 3 visitors subscribe. People want to opt-in to popular
lists, especially if the ratio is high.
65. The “Plenty Of Ways” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers there are plenty of ways to subscribe to your
list, like by e-mail, web form, or one click. People like to have choices in
certain matters. When you give them a choice, they are more likely to
choose than walk away without subscribing.
66. The “How To” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish how-to articles. People like to
learn how to do things that will improve their lives, reach their goals, solve
their problems, avoid failing or avoid pain, etc.
67. The “Top Ten” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish top ten articles. People like to
know the top ways to improve their lives. Here are some examples, “The
Top 10 Ways To Lose Weight”, The Top Ten Ways To Increase Your Traffic”,
68. The “Tip Me” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish tip articles. People like to read
short, to-the-point tips that will help them reach their goals. It saves them
time reading through a bunch of fluffed-up information.
69. The “Recent News” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish news stories. People want to
stay up-to-date on the most recent news stories that will affect their lives.
You could even publish new press releases that are related to the topic of
your list.
70. The “Interview” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish interview articles. People like to
hear advice from other people who know about the topic of your list. You
could even list some of the upcoming people you will be interviewing.
71. The “Product Review” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish product reviews. Many people
like to read product reviews before they buy a new product. You could
review a product and have your affiliate link at the end of the review.
72. The “Web Site Review” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish website reviews. Many people
like to read website reviews before they visit a website. They don't want to
waste their time surfing around for what they are looking for.
73. The “Personal Profile” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish personal profiles. Many people
like to read personal information about people who deal with the topic of
your list. It could be stuff like their favorite music, movies, food, sports
team, etc.
74. The “Word Game” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish text games. It could be
crossword puzzles, word finds, word scramblers, etc. You could publish
them in your e-mail or have them click on a link to your website to print
them out. Another idea would be to make them interactive so they can
play them on your website.
75. The “Samples Of Products” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish excerpts from other info
products. Most people like to see samples of other people's information
products before they buy. It could be chapters, articles, software demos,
76. The “Checklist” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish helpful checklists. Sometimes
people rather have a checklist of information so they can complete one
step at a time. It helps them keep track of their accomplishing their final
77. The “Calendar Of Events” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish a calendar of events. Many
people like to know about events that are related to the topic of your list. It
could be seminars, teleseminars, webinars, trade shows, concerts, classes, etc.
78. The “Q And A” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish a question and answer section.
Your current subscribers send you their questions and you could answer
them in each issue. Your subscribers can be in control of what
topics they want to know more about.
79. The “First Shot” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that they will be the first to learn about the
new products and services you release. People like to get the first shot at
new products and affiliate opportunities.
80. The “Community Gossip” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish content from your online
community. You could allow new subscribers access to your list's online
community and tell them they could get published on your list and get
some free publicity.
81. The “Transcripts” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you publish transcripts of live events, classes, and seminars.
People who can't make or afford to go to live events related
to your list topic would want to read them.
82. The “Questionnaire” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers questions that'll persuade them to
subscribe. Most people are raised or programmed to answer questions.
They will automatically respond to your questions without realizing it. For
example, “Do you want to earn more money?”
83. The “Free Advertising” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free ad in your e-zine if they
subscribe. Now, this could give you way too many ads to publish. A way
around this is to link to a website that has all the free ads listed.
84. The “People Care” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers what their friends or family might say or
think as a result of them opting in. People care about what their friends
and family think. For example, you could say: “Imagine how your kids will
feel when you can afford the new pool?”
85. The “Common Sense” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers it is common sense to subscribe. For
example, you could say something like: “Everyone knows you have to keep
up-to-date with new technology to keep making money on the
86. The “Private Access” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get free membership to your
private website when they subscribe. You could set up a password-protected private website for your subscribers only.
You could keep it updated regularly with new information and free products.
87. The “Product For Ad” Technique
Tell other e-zine publishers you'll trade them your products for running
your e-zine ad. If you don't want to pay for advertising, just barter. If you
have a downloadable product, you could keep trading it over and over
again without it costing you a lot.
88. The “Viral Article” Technique
Tell other e-zine publishers they can publish your articles with your
resource box. You could contact other related e-zines or list publishers and
see if they accept article submissions. Plus there are many article
submission directories and submission software available today.
89. The “Opt-In Auction” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers about your e-zine on auction websites. You
could auction off a related item or product and advertise your e-zine on
the same page. As you may know, some of the biggest auction sites get
millions of hits an ad.
90. The “Listen To Me” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that you offer an audio version of your e-zine
or list. Many people don't like reading all the time. They will be able to
listen to it if they want. It will save them time and eye strain.
91. The “Watch Me” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that you offer a video version of your e-zine
or list. Many would rather watch someone tell them the information, like
on news shows. They will be able to watch and listen to your information if
they want.
92. The “Keyword Clicking” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers about your e-zine or list with pay-per-click
ads. You only pay if they click on your link. You want your advertisement to
be displayed under targeted keywords and phrases or on target websites.
93. The “Free Directory” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers about your e-zine or list by submitting it to
free e-zine directories. You want your e-zine description to be as persuasive
as possible. You could use many of the tips in this publication to help you
with that.
94. The “Customer Reminder” Technique
Tell your customers about your list or e-zine. You could include your e-zine
ad on or with every product you sell. If it's a physical product, you could
insert a flyer in the package. If it’s a digital product, you could have the opt-in form linked to your website or build it into the product.
95. The “Discount An E-mail” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that you offer coupons or gift certificates for
other products and services in every issue. They will want to subscribe and
read every issue just to see how much money they can save.
96. The “Offline Myth” Technique
Tell people about your e-zine or list through offline advertising. It could be
radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, CD-ROM, videos, audiobooks, etc. Just because they read offline ads doesn’t mean they don't
have a computer or access to the Internet.
97. The “Free Compliment” Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that anyone who gives you a testimonial for
your list or e-zine will get it published with their ad. People will subscribe
and give you compliments just to get a free ad. Testimonials can
dramatically increase your authority and sales.
98. The “Back You Up” Technique
Tell a similar list or e-zine owner that you'll host their back issues if they
host yours. It will increase your subscribers, traffic, and sales. It might be a
little extra work and take up a lot of web space but can be well worth it.
99. The “I'll Share” Technique
Tell a similar list or e-zine owner that you'll share an opt-in form with them.
People can opt-in for both your lists at your website and their website.
You can also join many list-building co-ops and co-registration services.
100. The “Publish And Grow” Technique
Tell a similar list or e-zine owner you will help manage and publish their list
in exchange for getting your ad listed in each of their issues. You will be
building your list and their list at the same time. It could double your
subscription rate.
There’s no doubt that a responsive mailing list can make or break your
business. My best advice to you is to decide what type of list you want to
build, build free content around the subject, and attract the right
subscribers to your opt-in page using all these tactics here.
You don’t have to use every single method here. Writedowns the ones
that you can see yourself doing, that interest you, then apply them. Take notes
of your progress and build upon what works.
When you act with integrity and can add true value to the marketplace,
your readers will be hooked to your messages and will never want to
Don’t let this sit on your computer and do nothing. The most
important thing is to take action. Action leads to results!
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