But just like when I was drilling into the wall…we often don't know what's behind the wall.
Just like we don't always know what's going on behind the scenes of our prospects and customers.
And it's this pressure that is your prospect's internal motivation.
That's the real reason behind their decision.
Just think about the last time YOU were motivated to buy a product or to get something DONE.
Maybe it was a big thing like buying a new car or even a smaller one like buying a new coat or a new phone.
The most important (and impactful) purchasing decisions often don't come with a marketer enforced deadline or persuasion.
A person's internal sense of motivation will overcome even the weakest marketing message.
Your job is to discover that and then focus your marketing on these motivations as your prospect sees them.
This is important because, this will cause your prospects to see your offer and instantly say:
“This is what I've been looking for”.
Now when it comes to your next big project, if you're looking for even more amazing templates, designs and content for your ebooks, then you should probably drill into Sqribble
It will drive your ebook design, automated content, lead generation, sales and profits.